Entrepreneurship in the Arts Educations 2019-2022
Since 2010, the artistic education programs have worked with entrepreneurship as a developing field of knowledge, and today the field is both broad and in constant movement at the institutions. While CAKI functioned as a shared knowledge center for the schools, the center was instrumental in the art schools’ development and operationalization of entrepreneurship.
In the period 2019-2022, the art schools worked with entrepreneurship as a joint objective in the institutions’ framework agreements with the Ministry of Culture. The joint effort was carried out under the heading ENTRE, and CAKI was at the forefront of the development and operationalization of the effort.
In the report ENTRE. Programperioden 2019-2022 you will find a presentation on the activities in the program.
Context and sustainable working lives
KUR (the rectors of the Ministry of Culture) decided as part of the art schools’ common goal that the schools in the period 2019 -2022 should focus on how we can share entrepreneurship as a field of knowledge among all teachers at the schools. The goal was for everyone to be better equipped to use entrepreneurship as a knowledge resource. With that aim, under the heading ENTRE, CAKI set about developing, implementing, implementing and evaluating a number of activities in close collaboration with KUR and the steering group for entrepreneurship.
The ENTRE effort worked from a broad understanding of how entrepreneurship is important as an area of knowledge in a modern arts education. The effort thus also supported a movement that can bring the artist’s narrative into forward-looking conversations about sustainable artistry and professional working life.
In 2022, a unifying theme on the program was ‘Sustainable Working Life’. Under this heading, a series of seminars and series of public panel discussions were held. Along the way, questions about e.g. sustainable artistry of the future, perspectives on the outside world, publication formats for artistic practice, impact production and teaching positions unfolded.
In 2021, the title of the program was ‘Environmental relations’.
Competence program for teachers
Entrepreneurship as a knowlede resource in the education of arts
In the fall of 2019, a pilot project will be launched, which will develop the format and content of a competency development program in entrepreneurship targeted at all teachers in the artistic programs. It is the ambition that the project can contribute to developing the level of knowledge and ambition for entrepreneurship education in all the schools and that the differences that may be, are offset through knowledge sharing and competence development. This should be understood as contributing to the diversity that already exists within the education work of entrepreneurship as a field of knowledge, and not as a narrowing of the concept of entrepreneurship.
The project is taking place over a longer timeframe that extends until 2022 with the goal that all teachers in the artistic programs complete a competence development course that develops the didactics and pedagogy of entrepreneurship as a knowledge area in the arts education. The aim of the introductory project is thus to investigate and develop the relationship between the entrepreneurial profession and the art education, with a view for all educators to be able to use entrepreneurship as a resource in the individual student’s education.
As a key part of the program, the Entrepreneurship Working Group is making itself available to spread entrepreneurship as a knowledge area to those teachers who do not already use entrepreneurship as a resource. The working group is run by CAKI and has the participation of those responsible for entrepreneurship as a knowledge area in schools. With the project, the intention is that we in the working group open the doors to entrepreneurship as a knowledge and competence field to colleagues and show what the entrepreneurship profession can do as practice and as pedagogy. There are thus key elements of method development as well as continuing education in the project.
The initial exercises consist of mapping the schools’ needs and wishes for a competency development program as well as development work in the working group. Including a school where each school (in addition to the member of the working group) participates with two teachers. Then a pilot program is formulated, which is tested and adapted over a two-year period. The final output of the project thus becomes a program for competence development that contributes broadly to strengthening the teachers’ use of entrepreneurship as a knowledge area in teaching.
The project forms part of the follow-up to the common objectives of the Ministry of Culture’s artistic educational institutions as stipulated in the framework agreements covering the period 2019-2022. In this context, the potential for shared capacity use must be elucidated through knowledge sharing in the Entrepreneurship Working Group as well as the involvement of international and national entrepreneurship networks. This should result in joint professional events, which are as far as possible coordinated with the efforts and events of the other common goals, and which support the student’s transition to the labour market through the use of entrepreneurship. The project was initiated by Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium / Keld Hosbond in collaboration with CAKI / Pernille Skov and with the participants in the working group for entrepreneurship on the artistic programs as partners.
ENTRE. Programperioden 2019-2022 is a report on the the cross institutional ENTRE-program.
Entrepreneurship activities in the art schools in the period 2011 – 2016 (in Danish) here
Entrepreneurship in the curricula of the art schools 2019/2020 – download (in Danish) here
In the fall of 2019, CAKI identified the needs and wishes of the schools as part of the knowledge base for the development of a program for competency development in entrepreneurship.
Get the report (in Danish) here
Explore ENTREWIKI´s ressources here.
Listen to ENTRE podcast here
In ENTRE CASE collection are examples of how teachers, students and graduates unfold their teaching and practice in ways that relate to entrepreneurship as a knowledge field in the arts educations. See the collection here.
Entrepreneurship activities in the art schools in the period 2011 – 2016 (in Danish) her
Entrepreneurship in the curricula of the art schools 2019/2020 – download (in Danish) her
In the fall of 2019, CAKI identified the needs and wishes of the schools as part of the knowledge base for the development of a program for competency development in entrepreneurship.
Get the report (in Danish) here