Entrepreneurship activities in the arts educations
In 2016, CAKI began working on a publication, which would map out all the entrepreneurship activities in the arts educations in Denmark from 2011 up to today. The mapping was defined in relation to the Entrepreneurship Education Strategy, which an interdepartmental partnership released in 2009.
The arts educations have each taken a different approach to the strategy, and the material now available in the publication shows the multifaceted image of what entrepreneurship activities have been in the art schools.
The schools have contributed to the mapping with relevant materials, and have made themselves available for discussions on specific topics, included in the publication as interviews or articles. It is our hope that the publication will share knowledge and experience, which can contribute to the further qualification and development of entrepreneurial activities in the arts educations.
The publication is available in print as well as digital download (only in Danish):
Get ‘Entrepreneuship Activities on Artistic Education’ here.
‘Entrepreneurship activities in the arts educations’ has been published with the support from the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship.
Picture: ‘Tekstil som narrativ’, by designstudent Emilie Carlson og scenografistudent Franciska Alberte Zahle, 2014.
Get “Entreprenørskabsaktiviteter på de kunstneriske uddannelser”
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“Entreprenørskabsaktiviteter på de kunstneriske uddannelser” udkommer med støtte fra Fonden for Entreprenørskab.