The podcast ENTRE DEBAT revolves around four themes: Artistic Citizenship, Quality & Relevance in the artistic business, Artistic Business and Entrepreneurship as a resource for the artistic practice.

ENTRE is the name of the joint program in the art schools with the aim of broadening the use of entrepreneurship as a resource at the schools. But how do you actually make a knowledge area such as Entrepreneurship available for educators in the art schools? And what would it even say to have an art practice as an artistic business in the year 2020? Is Artistic Citizenship the same as artistic relevance, and what is the relationship between the artist’s practice and the artist’s business? These are some of the questions which are debated in the podcast.

The cast of ENTRE DEBAT are members of the ENTRE steering group, comprised of educators and education developers from all seven Art Schools. The podcast is produced by CAKI and hosted by Rasmus Cleve Christensen.

Listen to ENTRE DEBAT directly from this website, on CAKI’s Soundcloud, or where you usually  find your podcasts:

The podcast is in Danish 

Udgivelsesformater og infrastrukturer 

I ENTRE DEBAT: Udgivelsesformater og infrastrukturer spørger vi, hvad der skal til for at udforske et udvidet felt for kunstnerisk praksis og virker. Med i samtalen er Liv Vester Larsen, Magnus Bruno og Radek Wosko. 
Vært: Pernille Skov
Optagelserne stammer fra ENTRE DEBAT LIVE:  Udgivelsesformater og infrastrukturer, der blev afholdt på Syddansk Musikkonservatorium 8. september 2022.
Udgivet af CAKI, Center for Anvendt Kunstnerisk Innovation. 


Fejlens værdi – ENTRE debat special 

With the duo Astrup/Bordorff, Line Knutzon, Katrine K. Pedersen, Nanna Frank Rasmussen, Tine Fischer, Frank Piasecki Poulsen, Jesper Skaaning, Carina Randløv, Katya Sander and Oliver Stilling.

Host: Carina Randløv. Published October 22, 2022

Voice over: Pernille Skov, CAKI


With Katrine Brocks, Pernille Tornøe, Jennifer Vedsted Christiansen and Peter Kirkhoff Eriksen.

Host: Pernille Skov. Published June 1, 2022


Artistry in partnerships

With Dina Abu Hamdan, Kristian Lager and Ninna Morsing.

Host: Pernille Skov. Published April 22, 2022


Perspectives on an artistic practice in relation to the surrounding society  (In English)

With Laura Navndrup Black og Georg Russegger.

Host: Pernille Skov. Published April 8, 2022


Conversations about om socially evolving arts

With Majken Overgaard, Patricia Baale Bandak and Henrik Sveidahl.

Host: Pernille Skov. Published March 11, 2022


The artist-centric entrepreneurship

With Jonas Frederiksen, leader of the producer education at the National Filmschool of Denmark, and Pernille Skov, leader of CAKI.

Host: Rasmus Cleve Christensen. Published October 9, 2020


To wonder

With Professor Finn Thorbjørn Hansen

Host: Rasmus Cleve Christensen. Published the 20. of October 2020



Entrepreneurship as artistic development practices

With Rikke Lund Heinsen, Christina Dahl and Malene Bichel.

Host: Rasmus Cleve Christensen. Published June 19, 2020.



Artistic business 

With Jonas Bille Gamkjær and Mikkel Flyvholm.

Host: Rasmus Cleve Christensen. Published June 19, 2020.



Quality and Relevance in the artistic business

With Kristina Holgersen, Line Fredens and Christian Taagehøj.

Host: Rasmus Cleve Christensen. Published June 4, 2020.


Artistic Citizienship

With Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfelt, Keld Hosbond and Pernille Skov.

Host: Rasmus Cleve Christensen. Published June 4, 2020


What is ENTRE? Kristina Holgersen and Pernille Skov explains about the ENTRE PROGRAM

Host: Rasmus Cleve Christensen. Published 12. maj 2020


No current planed activities.

See previous events here


Explore ENTREWIKI´s ressources here.


In ENTRE CASE collection are examples of how teachers, students and graduates unfold their teaching and practice in ways that relate to entrepreneurship as a knowledge field in the arts educations. See the collection here.


As part of the ENTRE initiative, CAKI is exploring the possibilities of creating an incubation environment at the art schools.

The incubation effort focuses on supporting students and researchers in developing new ideas, projects and companies. The purpose is to strengthen the transition from education to working life and to strengthen the link between artistic educations, the creative professions and the rest of society.

The development of the incubator initiative started in 2021. Read more about the incubation effort here.


Entrepreneurship activities in the art schools in the period 2011 – 2016 (in Danish) her

Entrepreneurship in the curricula of the art schools 2019/2020 – download (in Danish) her


In the fall of 2019, CAKI identified the needs and wishes of the schools as part of the knowledge base for the development of a program for competency development in entrepreneurship.

Get the report (in Danish) here

Steering group for entrepreneurship (ENTRE)
  • The Royal Academy of Music: Keld Hosbond (head of group)
  • The Royal Danish Academy of Music: Jonas Bille
  • The National Film School of Denmark: Kristine Ploug
  • The Danish National School of Performing Arts: Rikke Lund Heinsen
  • Rhythmic Music Conservatory: Christian Taagehøj
  • The Danish National Academy of Music: Christina Holm Dahl
  • The Academy of Fine Arts: Emil Leth Meilvang
  • CAKI: Pernille Skov

You can contact ENTRE by writing