Tag til ELIA Academy 2017 og mød kolleager fra hele Europa under overskriften “What’s going on Here? Exploring Elasticity in Teaching and Learning in the Arts”.
“We look forward to a three-day programme in which we will examine elasticity as a core momentum in today’s learning and teaching in higher arts education, and explore this theme from four different angles:
- curiosity
- hybridity
- research
- social change
A wide variety of engaging presentations by keynote speakers, lecturers, artists and designers will spark in-depth discussions and exchange of ideas. Expect workshops, panel discussions, paper presentations, performance lectures, visits in the city and much more, as well as professional networking.”
På ELIA Academy mødes undervisere fra Europas kunstskoler til at diskutere og dele viden og erfaringer. ELIA Academy 2017 afholdes den 5. – 7. juli 2017 i London i samarbejde med University of the Arts London.
Læs mere om ELIA Academy 2017 her.
OBS: Deadline for Early Bird tilmeldinger er den 1. april 2017 for ELIAs danske medlemsskoler (Det Jyske Kunstakademi, Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi Billedkunstskolerne, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Den Danske Filmskole, Den Danske Scenekunstskole).
Allerede nu kan du også sætte kryds i kalenderen den 14. – 15. september 2017. Her afholder ELIA deres internationale entreprenørskabskonference for de kunstneriske uddannelser, NXT Conference – Making a Living from the Arts. Her samles undervisere, akademikere og andre kulturprofessionelle, for at diskutere kunst og entreprenørskab, og hvordan kunstskoler skal forholde sig til denne sammenhæng.
”If you are interested in discussing entrepreneurship in the arts and how higher art education institutions are approaching it, this is the event for you. You will hear as well about how entrepreneurial initiatives are developing new models of education outside the art academies. Furhtermore, the conference delegates will be involved in dynamic debates on social impact, social innovation and sustainable practices in the arts.”
NXT Conference 2017 afholdes i Amsterdam i samarbejde med Amsterdam University of the Arts.
Læs mere om konferencen her.