Start Up – English translation out know!

Start Up – English translation out know!

The art of Start up Another English translation of one of our CAKI handbooks is now available for you to explore! This book is written for the full scope of the artistic fields and all types of business – from soloists to production companies, from one-persons...


INTERART- KUNSTUDDANNELSERNES FÆLLES INDSATS InterArt er kunstuddannelsernes fælles indsats for udviklingen af initiativer for kompetence- og kapacitetsopbygning til understøttelse af institutionernes strategiske arbejde med internationalisering.   InterArts...
International rapport gør status over kunstnerisk ytringsfrihed

International rapport gør status over kunstnerisk ytringsfrihed

Billedet er taget fra artikel i Kulturmonitor, 23.4.2021 I dagens Kulturmonitor kan man læse om rapport vedr. den kunstneriske ytringsfrihed internationalt, som blev udgivet i februar af organisationen Freemuse. I rapporten fremlægger Freemuse en analytisk...
72-hour open call talent competition kicks off 30 April

72-hour open call talent competition kicks off 30 April

CHART 2021 CALLING FOR WILD, IMAGINATIVE AND CURIOUS PROJECTS CHART is happy to announce the launch of the 7th edition of their open talent competition, CHART Architecture. Emerging architects, designers, and artists are invited to present their ideas for temporary...
Start Up – English translation out know!


ANOTHER ENGLISH TRANSLATION IS READY TO BE EXPLORED! At CAKI we are thrilled to announce that we have translated yet another of our CAKI Handbooks into English. Get the ‘Start-Up Handbook’ that will help you take the leap to start up your own business! Get...


Udviklingsplatformen og Haut arbejder sammen om nye udviklingsforløb for scenekunstaktører Det erotiske selv, krydsfeltet mellem forestillings- og udstillingsformat, kærlighedens besnærende tilstand og kommunikationsoverloadet på de digitale medier. Det er nogle af de...