Physical computing workshop

Physical computing workshop

PHYSICAL COMPUTING WORKSHOPIntroduction to Physical Computing – Energy Harvesting is a one-day workshop, which is based on the use of physical computing as an artistic approach. Vanessa Carpenter from IdemoLabs DELTA and design student Johan Bichel Lidegaard...


INKUBATORAn incubation course for creative startupsINCUBATOR is a career and entrepreneurship course for art students, recently qualified artists or creative entrepreneurs in Copenhagen.INCUBATOR gives you the opportunity to work with and clarify your future...


SOUNDDESIGN//DESIGNSOUND A week on sound design In collaboration with Rhythmic Music Conservatory CAKI held a one week sound seminar in February 2012. The initiative evolved and became a cross-institutional course for all art educations. The purpose of the seminar was...
Academy – E3

Academy – E3

ACADEMY 2010A multidisciplinary course in design and innovationTogether with DTU Informatics, K3 from Malmö Högskola and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation, School of Architecture, CAKI carried out a three-week...


SPRING Kvindelige iværksættere på de kunstneriske uddannelser. SPRING arbejder for at få flere kvindelige studerende på kunstuddannelserne til at kaste sig ud i opstart af egen virksomhed. Erfaringerne fra Studentervæksthusene viser, at der i høj grad er tvivl hos den...