ET TVÆRÆSTETISK EKSPERIMENTTolv kandidatstuderende fra Billedkunstskolerne og Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium mødtes i januar 2017 til et workshopforløb, der rammesatte en kunstnerisk udviklingsproces gennem en tværæstetisk produktion.CAKI har taget initiativ til et nyt...
PORTFOLIOWORKSHOPViden og inspiration til, hvordan de studerende kan præsentere deres arbejde, samt hjælp til at sammensætte en portfolio der repræsenterer deres kunstneriske og professionelle virke.Workshoppen tager udgangspunkt i portfolioet som et vigtigt redskab...
CAKI PITCH FORUMDo you have a project or a business idea that you want to put into practice? Or would you like to learn more about how you present your project clearly, precisely and interesting? Join CAKIs free pitch forum on November 19 at the Art Academy –...
SPRING 2.0A course in using the frame of a business model to develop your professional profil, a project or a business idea. The course is offered to master students at the Royal Danish Academy of Music.The course is developed in cooperation with educational planners...
ACADEMY ART & TECHNOLOGYIntrapreneurship through artistic and technological prototypingCAKI is developing a cross-disciplinary “Academy-course” for 2014 with The Royal Danish School of Design, Design and Business at KEA and DTU.In cross-disciplinary...