Do you have a project or a business idea that you want to put into practice? Or would you like to learn more about how you present your project clearly, precisely and interesting? Join CAKIs free pitch forum on November 19 at the Art Academy – and come closer to realizing your artistic idea!

Entrepreneurship is about seeing possibilities and act on them, so they create value for the society. Therefore CAKI and GEW hosted an open pitch forum for the students from the art schools. Here they had the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a panel of professionals from the artistic disciplines, obtaining knowledge about pitching technique and get insight into former students’ experience in realizing artistic projects and business ideas.

All pitched projects got concrete feedback on whether their project met the requirements for CAKIs project fund, from where they can get up to 15,000 DKK to realize the project. In addition, the best project won an expanded counseling workshop at CAKI focused on making a financing and realization plan for the project or business idea.


Auditoriet på Den Hirschprungske, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Billedkunstskolerne, Peder Skramsgade 2, 3. B, 1054 København K


November 2015


Hent kursusplan


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Telefon: 41 88 25 88