FUNDRAISING WORKSHOP Are you ready to find the means to reach your goal? Do you want to spread the word about your project and find the funding? Then sign up for CAKI’s FUNDRAISER WORKSHOP!The interdisciplinary FUNDRAISING WORKSHOPS helps you communicate your project...
SPRING 3.0Your professional working life is not just about the artistic or creative content, but also about the organizational framework surrounding your work practice.The SPRING workshop will focus on the start-up process of a working life as self-employed, because...
WORDPRESS COURSE As a creative artist, a professional website is an important part of your public profile. It is on the student’s website that future partners, followers, fans, customers, etc. will find them and their work. It is also on the website that you can...
FUNDRAISER WORKSHOP(English edition) Are you ready to find the means to reach your goal? Do you want to spread the word about your project and find the funding? Then sign up for CAKI’s FUNDRAISER WORKSHOP!The interdisciplinary FUNDRAISER WORKSHOPS helps you...
ET TVÆRÆSTETISK EKSPERIMENTTolv kandidatstuderende fra Billedkunstskolerne og Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium mødtes i januar 2017 til et workshopforløb, der rammesatte en kunstnerisk udviklingsproces gennem en tværæstetisk produktion.CAKI har taget initiativ til et nyt...