IPR Publication for artists and creatives in The Nordic Countries.
On request of KreaNord CAKI has produced a publication on Intellectual Property Rights. The purpose with the publication is to give an introduction and present artists and creatives for the importance of IPR.
As an artist, or a person who invents or creates original objects, artefacts, pieces, ideas, concepts, designs or anything else you can invent or create, you should be interested in learning more about your IPR.
This publication makes knowledge about IPR accessible and understandable for you. It guides you throuh five main themes:
- Copyright
- Design
- Trademarks
- Patent & Utility Models
- Licensing, Royalty & Credits
We will also provide you with cases, links and contact information on where to learn more, find relevant contacts or seek legal counselling, should you happen to be in need of that.
The publications contain five videos – watch them below:
Hent IPR – Intellectual Property Rights
CAKI har udgivet en række publikationer og miniguides, der hjælper i opstarten af din kunstneriske virksomhed. Du kan blandt andet læse om opstarten, fundraising, portfolio og meget mere.
IPR – Intellectual Property Rights was published in October 2013 in English.