A workshop on how to share your artistic products and services using digital marketing.
The workshop will be about DYI marketing on Instagram, Youtube and Facebook.
In this workshop Steffen Geldner will introduce a selection of relevant channels that are necessary in modern digital marketing and modern product management: Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
DIY-marketing, as it is often called, has changed fundamentally in the last ten years. In the past it was still possible to grow fast organically just by posting regularly – nowadays we live in a time where the algorithms have taken over and it has become extremely difficult to grow.
Workshop Part 1 on January 18th 2021, 9:30 – 12:30:
After an introduction on digital campaigning, by the example of Facebook and Instagram, algorithms are explained. This workshop shows its participants with best practices what content currently works best, how you can optimize this content to better suit algorithms and how and when you should spend money on digital ads. Targeting is also an inherent part of this process. How do I adjust my targeting? How do I collect and interpret data? How do I use hashtags? What formats do I need? These are some of the questions answered in the first part of this twoday workshop.
Workshop Part 2 on January 20th 2021, 9:30 – 12:30:
The second part of the workshop starts with an introduction into digital advertising by example of Facebook and Instagram. Steffen will show how to create ads and what the most important KPIs are in this context. Steffen will continue to talk about YouTube: In the marketing of creative products or services, audiovisual content such as music videos are essential. YouTube is a tool that we all use and think we know, but is strongly steered by an algorithm. Nonetheless if used correctly, it is a great tool to build new audiences fast and to develop new formats. Best practices are shown and questions such as… How do I optimize my videos? How can my videos be found better in the search results? How do Google Ads work?
After this workshop, the participants should be able to work with all of the tools and channels mentioned above and most importantly be able to transfer this knowledge to reality. They should be able to better understand what modern digital marketing looks like and what e.g. their students and alumni should expect. They should also be able to confidently construct successful online ads – no matter from what part of the industry they are from. The participants should bring as many of their own examples as possible and share them with the group.
About Steffen Geldner:
Steffen Geldner is a university lecturer for digital music marketing in Europe and the US, CEO of the label Antischlager, music and talent manager and also podcaster. The last six years he was responsible for the studies with a digital focus in the music business courses at Popakademie Baden-Württemberg in Mannheim (DE), now his main focus lies on the work at his label. At universities, he teaches subjects surrounding topics such as social media marketing, digital advertising or web technologies.
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Online via. Zoom
Mandag: 18. januar 2021 – kl. 09.30-12.30 (part 1)
Onsdag: 20. januar 2021 – kl. 09.30- 12:30 (part 2)