CAKI Miniguide: Hjemmesider

CAKI Miniguide: Hjemmesider

THE BASICS – Kom igang med hjemmesiden  Denne guide hjælper dig med at overveje, hvilken slags hjemmeside du skal have, hvilken type system du skal vælge til hjemmesiden, og hvad en god server er. Sidst i guiden er der også noget om, hvad hjemmesiden kan...
CAKI miniguide to Effectuation

CAKI miniguide to Effectuation

Navigating in the unknown  Effectuation takes the point of departure in that the future is considered as something that can be influenced through actions. In other words, you can create your own possibilities. The method was developed by Saras Sarasvathy. Sara...
VAT and artist VAT

VAT and artist VAT

CAKI’s mini guide to VAT When running a business, you need to know the VAT rules that apply to the type of business you have. You must have familiarized yourself with VAT before you register your company and get your CVR number, because during registration you will...
CAKI miniguide to Tax

CAKI miniguide to Tax

CAKI’s Miniguide to Tax  Source: When you are operating a professional practice and/or business, you should familiarise yourself with the tax rules that exist in Denmark. When you work as self-employed, you are likely to have both A-income and B-income, you...
Contracts and negotiation

Contracts and negotiation

Contracts and negotiation If misunderstandings are to be avoided, a verbal agreement or handshake is simply not enough. This CAKI Miniguide provides advice for artists and creatives considering entering into a contract or written agreement. “Could you just give it one...