Conference Publication EntreNord’12 2012

Conference Publication EntreNord’12 2012

EntreNord Publication 2012Conference publication ENTRE NORD – Entrepreneurship in the Art Educations in the Nordic Countries. In November 2012 CAKI held the conference EntreNord in collaboration with KreaNord and Karlbak. The publication collects experiences and...
Tværkunstneriske Læringsmiljøer 2013

Tværkunstneriske Læringsmiljøer 2013

TVÆRKUNSTNERISKE LÆRINGSMILJØERThis publication is part of the development project INTERDISCIPLINARY LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS documentating two years work.Together with the Rythmic Music Conservatory CAKI initiated INTERDISCIPLINARY LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS – an initiative...
Projekt Effekt 2011

Projekt Effekt 2011

Project Effect – A qualitative effect measurement of the student greenhouse’s effect Project Effect marks the beginning of development, no one knows where it will end; in a direction, no one knows the end goal for, but for which we can all see the basic...