Digital games and animation as pedagogy, hybrid film as visual language, the art of societal storytelling, and participation in contemporary music and sound art – these are just some of the 17 projects that have recently received support from the Ministry of Culture’s committee for artistic research at art schools.

Once again this year, the numerous qualified applications demonstrate artistic research as an important field for innovative projects, art pedagogy, and artistic innovation within higher artistic education. This year’s research projects will lead to new artistic methods and knowledge about the role of art in a society in constant development, and the projects will be publicly disseminated in diverse ways over time. This applies both to projects within individual artistic fields and to interdisciplinary collaborations.

Artistic research (in Danish: Kunstnerisk Udviklingsvirksomhed – KUV) are an important part of the knowledge base in arts education. The KUV fund allows educators to explore, further develop, and reflect on new methods and approaches in their own artistic and art pedagogical practices through artistic practice.

Over the past decade, the seven institutions have experienced continuous positive development in the field of practice-based artistic research, and KUV has become essential to the knowledge base in artistic education in Denmark. In recent years, among the applicants, there has been particular interest in developing artistic practice and art pedagogical approaches in relation to contemporary challenges, including a broad concept of sustainability as well as the role of art in society.


The funds in the KUV fund are allocated by the KUV committee, appointed by the Minister of Culture. This year, the fund and the service of the KUV committee have been managed by the CAKI – Center for Applied Artistic Innovation, which has been a joint knowledge center for higher artistic education institutions from 2011 to 2024.

The deadline for applications to the fund was December 1, 2023. A total of 26 applications were received with a combined project sum of 19,230,443 DKK. Of this, 5,034,140 DKK is self-financing, while 12,315,980 DKK has been requested from the ADA fund. According to this year’s political proposal, there has been 7.5 million DKK in the fund, from which expenses for the ADA committee should be deducted.

Læs mere om KUV-puljen

KUV-Bevillinger 2024


Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Billedkunstskolerne

  1. Det spøker i hele huset – maleri i et klasseperspektiv
  2. Let’s Play: Digital games and animation as modes of pedagogy
  3. The Flat and The Round (The Conclusion)
  4. Luminous Algorithms: Deciphering the Ethereal Data of AI through Analogue Photography
  5. Currents: Oceanic Cosmologies, Sustainability, Commons, and Infrastructures of Compassion (del 3)
  6. Dragt arkæologi – Beklædning som sprog og materiel aflejring
  7. Landskab og liminalitet
  8. Diffracting the Copenhagen Interpretation: towards non-local collaborative art practices (med prjk.9)

Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium

  1. Diffracting the Copenhagen Interpretation: towards non-local collaborative art practices (med prjk.8)
  2. Baggrunden i baggrunden

Den Danske Filmskole

  1. Hybridfilm som filmsprog for diasporisk tilværelse i Danmark
  2. Etik og Kunstnerisk Frihed
  3. Samfundsfortællingens kunst

Den Danske Scenekunstskole

  1. Scores in the library: composition and sense-making among books
  2. Co-create with light

Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium

  1. BETWEEN AND BEYOND – en undersøgelse af displacement mellem kunstfagligheder
  2. Touch, Perception and Listener Participation in Contemporary Music and Sound Art

Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium

  1. 100 magiske som’er – eksperimenter med analogiens rolle i fortolkning


Der var i denne runde ikke indsendt ansøgninger fra Syddansk Musikkonservatorium.