EntreNord Publication 2014

A publication on the EntreNord Conference 2014 – Entrepreneurship in art education in the Nordic Countries.

The interactive conference publication EntreNord 2014 is a collection of results, experience and recommendations from the EntreNord Conference, organized by CAKI, KreaNord and Karlbak November 13th – 14th 2014 at Holmen, Copenhagen.

The conference was entitled ‘Teach the Teacher’, and the two days had the themes: Interdisciplinarity and Assessment & Evaluation. Participants from all Nordic countries were represented to discuss how future art education can increase and integrate entrepreneurship and artistic innovation.

The publication contains, among other things:

  • A summary of the workshops
  • Elaboration of EntreNord cases
  • Elaboration of EntreNord breakout sessions
  • Presentation of the EntreNord keynotes
  • Videos and presentations

The publication aims to highlight and identify future areas for entrepreneurship in the artistic and creative education in the Nordic countries. The presented case studies and breakout sessions may thus provide inspiration for educators across the Nordic region. The challenges are exemplified with appropriate models for teaching and counseling in entrepreneurship.


The conferencepublication EntreNord Publication 2012, which elaborates the first EntreNord Conference, held in November 2012.


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CAKI has published more publications and miniguides – have a look at the publication page here.


EntreNord Publication 2014 is financed by KREANORD and developed with Karlbak.