Photo: Consulate General of Denmark Silicon Valley THE BERKELEY METHOD OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP This week, the Innovation Centre Denmark in Boston & Silicon Valley and The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship is inviting teachers to a master class on the...
The Artist in society At the higher art eductions, we are increasingly discussing how the schools can contribute more broadly and engage more to art and society. In this connection, Henrik Sveidahl, Rector of the Rythmic Music Conservatory, has co-authored an...
Kunstens verdensmål I foråret var Det Kgl. Bibliotek vært for en række samtaler, hvor bl.a. Michael Thouber, Kasper Holten og Zenia Stampe drøftede, hvorfor kunsten ikke fik sit eget verdensmål. Find dem, hvor du normalt finder dine podcasts, og læs mere om...
A LIFE IN MUSIC – connecting and incubating your practice A PROGRAM FOR GRADUATES FROM RHYTHMIC MUSIC CONSERVATORY (RMC) SUMMER 2021 This Incubation program is for graduates from the Rhythmic Music Conservatory of the summer of 2021. The program is a special...
TVAERS 2.0 Studerendes adgang til tværdisciplinære læringsmuligheder I starten af juni præsenterede de kunstneriske uddannelser tredje udgave af det fælles kursuskatalog, der giver studerende mulighed for at følge fag på tværs af de syv kunstskoler. TVAERS-kataloget...