The European Association of Conservatoires : The entrepreneurial mindset in time of uncertainty
The Covid-19 crisis has hit the culture sector very hard. Concert halls, venues, festivals were the first to close and the last to reopen, with a part still not operating at all. Whether we were in strict confinement to temper the pandemic, until now, music didn’t stop. Not even live music!
We see a need for a new approach in career-related education in conservatories where individuals, groups and organisations learn, develop and practice knowledge, skills and the mindset they need to not only cope with change but see change as opportunity. Opportunity for actions and a chance to to achieve outcomes, which may transform themselves, their ventures and their social, cultural and economic context.
For now,The European Association of Conservatoires would like to invite you to join a seminar on: Friday, November 27, 11:00 – 12:30 (CET). Here they will discuss the questions surrounding the entrepreneurial mindset in a time of crisis.
No registration and no fee are required to join this session, the seminar will be host on zoom and accessible via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89708704086
EAC are also sharing its first episode of a podcast addressing the issue of The entrepreneurial mindset in time of uncertainty. In the podcast you can listen to Libby Percival and Canberk Duman, examples of people who have used their creativity, imagination and entrepreneurial mindset to explore new business models, to build new communities, to take their social responsibility, to create new artistic work, and so much more. We invite you to listen actively to this podcast before joining this session, as the seminar will be related to its content and interactive discussions will be encouraged.
You find the podcast here.