The status and challenges of communal singing in Denmark today – and the art of writing a good fællessang


Teacher: Henrik Marstal

Throughout the 2010’s the culture of communal singing has experienced a renaissance. With TV-broadcast communal singing offset by the corona crisis in 2020, the culture has gotten further attention as a phenomenon that supports a broad, imagined community across age groups, background and geography. There has thus, as of now, probably never been a larger national support for the culture of communal singing since the communal singing movement during the German Occupation of Denmark during World War II.

During this module we will take a closer look at the Danish tradition of communal singing as an historical, cultural and social phenomena. We will examine the song book as an institution and catalyst making the culture of communal singing possible. This extends to especially Højskolesangbogen (The Folk High School Song Book), published in its long awaited 19th edition in November 2020. Furthermore, we will also examine how one, in their capacity as a song writer and/or text writer, can practice the art of writing communal songs, that might get included in future song books.


It is a beneficial to have a certain interest in communal singing, preferably experiences with holding or playing at communal singing events, an interest in the Danish culture and maybe an ambition to write communal songs yourself. It is expected that all students have acquired the 19th edition of Højskolesangbogen.


By the end of the module, the student will:

– have increased their knowledge of Danish communal singing culture and repertoire

– have established knowledge of Danish communal singing culture as a cultural area of interest

– have acquired knowledge of and insight into the most important song books within the field in an historical perspective

– have acquired knowledge of their own possibilities for writing communal songs


The work is comprised of the following fields:

Danish singing culture, music history, nation building, tradition development and de-traditionalizing, aesthetics and culture creation.


– Presentations

– Debates

– Group assignments

– Practical exercises


Normally 8-9 students per class.


A topic of the student’s choice will be presented within the framework of the themes of the module in the form of an essay (5 standard pages).

The essay is turned in through Wiseflow before the deadline that is set by the Study Administration.


We will be using academic literature on communal singing written by relevant researchers and university students’ master’s thesis’, including choice extracts from a future book on Danish communal singing culture by Lea Wierød Borcak and the course teacher (to be published in November 2021). We will furthermore be using newer debate articles from the daily press dealing with the continuing conversation about communal singing in Denmark. At last, several song books, including the Højskolesangbogen, will be included. Video material from YouTube will also be used to some extent.




Rhythmic Music Conservatory







