Department of success


Department of success is a interdisciplinary one-day event and a publication created by Dina Friemuth, student at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, and Esben Weile Kjær, student at Rhythmic Music Conservatory, in collaboration with the artistic reading group ‘Systemet’. With this event, the two students aim to take a critical look at artistic theory and the way we process and disseminate this theory.


Department of success is a project based upon the text and theory reading by the art activistic reading group Systemet. To this event a number of artists from home and abroad will leave the text reading for a while, and instead process the readed material through photos, performances and newly produced text in a new publication. All the contributions have their starting point in the abstract discussion of art and the commercial, and will thus challenge how success is as a basic premise of contemporary art and culture, and whether art imitates capitalist structures.
Department of success takes place January 20, 2016 from 12:00 to 23:00 at the Art Association Gl. Strand, Gl. Strand 48, 1202 Copenhagen K.
Event and publication is free to all.

The students themselves say about the project

“With Department of success we want to create a common platform where artists from different disciplines talk about the same topic. What does an architect have to say about success and activism, and what do a theorist have to say about the same? We will work both to create interesting works, but just as much to learn and know how others artistic professions work (…) “

Photo: Poster, Department of Success


Institut for Succes


2015 – 2016 – Institut for Succes fandt sted d. 20. januar 2016 på Kunstforeningen Gl. Strand, Gl. Strand 48, 1202 København K.
Arrangement og publikation var gratis for alle.


CAKI har støttet projektet med 15.000 kr.


Dina Friemuth
+45 42 34 12 23


Dina Friemuth, Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademis Billedkunstskoler
Esben Weile Kjær, Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium

Derudover medvirker en række kunstnere med speciale i forskellige fag, bl.a. kunstnere der er studerende fra tre af CAKIs medlemsskoler; Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium, Kunstakademiets Billedkunstskoler samt Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium.


Se billeder fra eventet på CAKIs Instagram.